Jeanne Poyser

NEW MFPA Student Artist
Born: 1950
Painting style: Mouth painter
Mouth painting is a natural, creative outlet for Jeanne Poyser and has rekindled her lifelong passion for art. Before being diagnosed with primary progressive MS in 1996, Jeanne had spent a long career as a paediatric nurse and started a family. Following the diagnosis, Jeanne managed to extend her career by switching to a child development centre, where she worked with disabled children for eleven years. Jeanne took early retirement at the age of 55 and set herself three goals: to research her family tree, to take more time to read and to pursue her interest in painting, something that she had been obliged to delay in previous years due her work commitments. Jeanne has always had a passion for art. When she was first diagnosed with MS her yoga teacher told her to focus on what she could do, not on what she could not do. Ever since that day, these words have resonated in Jeanne's pragmatic and motivating character and she is proud of her 'can do' attitude. Mouth Painting has enabled Jeanne to express her creativity once more and at the same time deal with her disability. She enjoys her discovery of painting and is still searching for her artistic form of expression. In particular, she is interested in light and shadow and in exploring her understanding of the art of aesthetics and design.
A sample of Jeanneʼs work
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