Tom Yendell

MFPA Board Member
Born: 1962
Lives in: Hampshire
Painting style: Mouth and Foot Painting Artist
Subjects: Everything and anything in a graphic way!
Tom Yendell was born in Winchester in 1962 without arms or hands due to the doctors prescribing the drug Thalidomide to his Mother during her pregnancy. Tom grew up using his mouth, feet, and chin to do everyday tasks. Tom's passion for art began very early in his life. He taught himself to draw and paint with his feet and by primary school wrote in the same way. He was fortunate to be offered a place for his schooling at Treloar's School and College in Alton, Hampshire and he remained there until he left to complete an Art Foundation course at Hastings College of Art and Technology. Tom achieved a BA in Expressive Arts from Brighton University and then worked in London for two years as a photographer. Tom joined the MFPA in 1986 and for 25 years ran the MFPA Gallery in Selborne. Tom rose up through the ranks of the MFPA Association and was proud to be elected onto the International Board in 2013. He is an Honorary Fellow of both Winchester and Brighton Universities. In his spare time, Tom is a Trustee for numerous Charities. He spends time each year as a Trustee for The Education And Book Appeal: Ghana (TEABAG Charity) where he built a Vocational Skills College. Artwise Tom paints with silk paints, Watercolour, and acrylic. His work is always graphic and very colourful.
Being able to be part of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists has been the most important thing in my life, except for my family! It has given me the opportunity to earn my living in a way I wouldn't have been able to without the Association.
Watch mouth and foot painter Tom Yendell paint a Christmas themed picture
Tom Yendell Painting
A sample of Tomʼs work
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